
Smoke with me :-)

craft pipes made with love for quality smoke

My pipes

My name is Petr Novak, I am living in this world for half of century. Until recently I was a graphic designer and IT specialist. A successful 21 years in the business were wrecked by lockdowns during the covid era, I was forced to close down my business and faced choice of what to do next... Since I have been a pipe smoker for 20 years and i admire the work of local pipemakers, some of whom I can count among my close friends, I decided to build a workshop with the help of a friend and start to make pipes - based on my pipesmoking experience. After my first steps I fell in love with the beauty of this craft and I intend to continue, hoping to enrich the collections of my fellow pipe smokers with my creations for their smoking pleasures.



Velikonoční nosewarm pokery

Velikonoční dílna a tři sestry. Malý poker (nosewarmer alias ohřívač rypáčku :) ) je pro mě osobně synonymem praktičnosti. Kotlík na hodinu a čvrt, lehoučký, subtilní, bez problémú udržitelný v ústech a dá se hezky odložit během práce. Jelikož jsem doma sám, skončil jsem samozřejmě na dílně a řekl si, že jentak pro radost z práce vyrobím tři podobné kousky s různými povrchovými úpravami: rustik, písek a hladká.


Packaging :)

How I pack my pipes, or what you get when you make an order...

I ship all pipes in the original PNP laminated heavyweight paper box. It includes a bag with a label and I enclose a business card; just in case. Hope you like the packaging.


Nové zásoby dříví

Massive new blocks of Italian briar - plateaux extra arrived today. They all have a beautiful central pattern and will be ready for pipe making in a month, currently drying.

Created 2023 www.vyroba-stranek.cz - Virtuální prohlídky - all4U agency s.r.o.

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